Energy Saving Tips For Your Home This Fall

The Best Energy Saving Tips for Your Home This Fall

Everyone wants to spend less on energy, especially when it’s freezing outside and you know you’ll be running your heater quite a bit. Here are a few ways that we help our customers save money on their energy costs each year. If you have any questions, call us and we’ll do what we can to help you save even more.

Don’t Block Your Vents

If you block more than 10% of your vents, your heating system will be working extra hard to heat your house. Don’t close those vents and ensure that furniture and curtains are kept away from them, too. Check the air intake vents, too, to make sure they are completely accessible.

Seal Any Leaks

Heat can escape through tiny cracks. Even if you can’t see them, your house could be hemorrhaging hot air. In fact, you could lose up to 20% of your heat this way! Using caulk or tape, make a seal around your doors, windows, electrical outlets, and any other place where there’s a crack. If you can feel a draft or see light, seal it up.

programmable thermostat

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats allow you to heat your house more efficiently throughout the entire winter. Set it to reduce the temperature at home whenever you’re not there, then to raise it again before you arrive at home. You’ll get comfortable while you’re there and you won’t have to pay for heat you don’t use.

Add More Insulation

Additional insulation can help keep your hot air inside, where it belongs! Use foam weather stripping – it’s cheap and provides an easy way to insulate your windows and doors. You can also purchase insulation in batts or rolls and use it to insulate your attic, crawl space, garage, and more.

Maintain Your Home

Hire an expert to examine your heater, your water heater, your electrical system, and anyplace else where your house could be losing energy. A professional can ensure that every system is functioning efficiently and that you aren’t paying too much when you use your home’s systems normally.

Call our team at Chisholm Heating & Air, Plumbing & Electric with any questions or if you want to have your home inspected with an eye to saving energy. We’ll come test it out and let you know what changes you can make to be sure that your home works as efficiently as possible all winter.

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